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In This Issue
Letter from
the Editor
Summertime, and the livin' is easy...
Gershwin's classic perfectly captured the laid back mood that summer brings to people.
Organizing a summer party, or a family reunion, is a great way to enjoy that much needed easy living with friends and family. Even so, the organization itself can be stressful at times... similar to that long road trip with the kids. Your destination may be fun, but getting there can feel like a struggle.
We hope that the tips in this magazine will help to make either journey a lot more pleasurable.
Featured Stories
Flip-Flops & Summer Fun
Put together a cool summer party, casual and informal. But simple does not have to be boring!
Memorable Family Reunions
Is it your turn to host the annual family gathering? Keep everyone entertained without running off your feet!
Are we there yet...?
How to keep kids entertained – and parents sane – when taking long road trips as a family.
Party Fun Magazine is our bi-monthly digital glossy on putting on a great party. If you enjoy organizing fun parties every once in a while, you can get loads of ideas from it.
Each issue has a theme, like Easter, Christmas, Halloween, baby showers, or bridal showers. Timed perfectly for your next party, to get you in the mood. After all, anticipation is half the fun!
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